
2018年4月10日—Ithasalotofnewthings(someofthosethingsarealreadyimplementedinthePGEEditorandinthePGEEngine),butsomeoldthingsarebuggyornotworking.,2017年9月2日—Synopsis:TwoyearspassaftertheeventsofThroughTime.MarioreceivesamessagefromhisgoodfriendToadsworth,askinghimtovisit ...,2016年10月21日—1.)Makeanewlevelandsaveit(forexample,thelevelthatyousavedisnamedlevel1.lvl).2.)Makeafolderwiththeexactnam...

Super Mario Bros. X 1.4.4 Patch 2

2018年4月10日 — It has a lot of new things (some of those things are already implemented in the PGE Editor and in the PGE Engine), but some old things are buggy or not working.

Super Mario Bros X Through Time 2 [] - SMBX

2017年9月2日 — Synopsis: Two years pass after the events of Through Time. Mario receives a message from his good friend Toadsworth, asking him to visit ...

Super Mario Bros. X 1.4.3

2016年10月21日 — 1.) Make a new level and save it (for example, the level that you saved is named level1.lvl). 2.) Make a folder with the exact name of the ...